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Thanks for attending this Protect the Pour event with The Thirst Group at the Usual.  Our bars and restaurants are anchors of our communities, and many of our businesses are failing, and many of our workers are food and rent insecure.  We need your help to get our governments to pay attention to the crisis that is affecting these hardworking families and businesses.


There are a few ways to get involved:


  • Call your legislator or city council and ask them what they are doing to help bars and restaurants

  • Send a letter asking your federal senator and representative to 

  • Ask your state senator and representative

  • Help organize your community and encourage hospitality professionals to run for office

  • Sign up to


Enjoy your food and thanks to Chef Kevin Martinez for feeding almost 44,000 workers in the pandemic!


 - THIRST Group, Nate Whitehouse, Aaron Lamprecht-Morphew, Jason Pollard, Travis Tober, and Kevin Martinez


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